Sensitive Choice

Daikin split system heat pumps are approved by the Asthma + Respiratory Foundation New Zealand’s Sensitive Choice® program, and are one of the only split systems that carry the blue butterfly symbol.

The Sensitive Choice for Your Home

Creating a healthy home can help you and your family breathe cleaner, fresher air and hopefully reduce allergic reactions or allergy-related asthma episodes.

We’re proud that Daikin’s split systems and air purifiers are some of the only air conditioning products approved by the Asthma + Respiratory Foundation New Zealand’s Sensitive Choice® program, which was introduced to help identify products that best suit people affected by asthma and allergies.

Daikin split systems and air purifiers carry the blue butterfly symbol, used to more easily identify asthma- and allergy-friendly products. The Sensitive Choice blue butterfly symbol is only awarded to products that undergo rigorous independent testing and are proven to be safe and potentially beneficial for sufferers of respiratory conditions.

Advanced R&D Facilities

A Healthy Choice

Air Quality

Healthy Home Healthy Living

Cleaner, Fresher. Healthier

Manage Allergies

The Sensitive Choice Program

The Sensitive Choice® program is designed to educate people about the importance of managing their asthma and to encourage manufacturers and suppliers to produce products and services that are asthma and allergy friendly.

Sensitive Choice is a community service program created by the National Asthma Council Australia for all of us who want to breathe purer, cleaner, fresher air and reduce allergic reactions. The program is of particular value to the millions of Australians and New Zealanders with asthma and the one in three of us who have allergies. While the Sensitive Choice program and the products we approve do not claim to offer cures or treatment for such conditions, we conscientiously strive to help cleanse and purify the personal environments in which we all live and breathe.

To help you identify asthma and allergy-aware products, Daikin uses the Sensitive Choice symbol on their packaging.

This is the way we live. We breathe in. We breathe out. Every day. Doesn’t it make sense to make every breath the best it can be? Make a Sensitive Choice.

The Sensitive Choice in Heat Pumps

Daikin’s split system and air purifier technology provide premium comfort and support for those affected by allergies and asthma. Controlling indoor environment – heating, cooling, ventilation, purification, humidification and dehumidification – can play a huge role in allergy management. This is all achievable with the Daikin product range. You can contact your local Daikin dealer to ensure your get the right system installed to suit your home and needs.

Protect Your Home

Dust mites and mould are among the most common allergy triggers. Airflow and humidity levels are big factors in keeping these elements at bay, so regulating any inconsistencies in temperature is essential. Daikin’s range of split system air conditioners and air purifiers are all specially designed to counter these triggers. Furniture, curtains and flooring can harbour all sorts of allergy prompters, so using Daikin products to counter conditions in which these pests thrive is critical for maintaining an environment with anti-microbial properties. This is why our products come with the blue butterfly symbol.

Daikin Split Systems

All Daikin split systems are designed with an air-purifying filter, with many of our models fitted with a more advanced Titanium Air-Purifying filter. These filters not only trap most microscopic airborne particles, they assist to decompose odours and absorb and deactivate bacteria and viruses. Our Daikin Programme Dry Function system is featured in select multi-split and split system units and rids the room of humidity while maintaining the temperature as much as possible. It automatically controls temperature and airflow rate and will switch into cooling mode if the room temperature increases too much, helping to keep a more balanced temperature and control humidity levels that can produce mould.

Daikin Air Purifiers

Daikin air purifiers turn your home into the great ‘indoors’ thanks to our advanced smart technology. They feature a powerful 6-layer decomposition and removal system to help eliminate bacteria, airborne particles, allergens, pollen and unpleasant odours. Our Steamer Discharge technology is what makes a Daikin air purifier so effective. The steamer’s plasma discharge activates oxygen and nitrogen molecules, rendering them capable of bacteria decomposition – one of the most effective ways to eliminate bacteria, viruses, mould and other allergens. Daikin’s Steamer Discharge technology has a wider discharge range than conventional air filters, making it the only choice for providing continued comfort to those who suffer from asthma, hay fever or allergies.


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Auckland Region, Waikato Region, Tauranga

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